about us

North Runway Technical Group

We are a small group of aviation people, living between 4km and 12km north of the new runway at Dublin Airport.

Group Members

Our group includes private pilots, a civil engineer who is a pilot, commercial pilots both active and retired with periodic input from a retired air traffic controller. The commercial pilots work flying jets in and out of Dublin Airport. Needless to say we are most definitely not “anti-aviation”.

What's the group for?

We are working to produce factual information about the north runway, in a sea of spin and disinformation. We are also proposing some operating changes that are straightforward to make, will increase runway capacity, reduce the number of people overflown and bring DAA into compliance with their planning permission.

We have not put our names and contact info on here to avoid trolls and spam. If you would like make contact, please fill in the form below.

Contact Us